What makes Ecuador special?

What makes Ecuador special?

If you have never visited Ecuador, you really should put it on your bucket list. The people are friendly, the food is incredible, and the prices are very reasonable. Also, as a florist, you will find the biodiversity, especially among flora and fauna, extremely fascinating.

Here are some fun facts about this enchanting place:

Ecuador’s national flower is the rose.
Ecuador is the smallest country in the Andean highlands.
Ecuador is named for the equator, which runs through the country.
Ecuador was the first nation to declare that nature has constitutional rights.
Ecuador is one of the countries in the world with the greatest density of volcanoes, many of which are active. One of these Volcanoes is the Cotopaxi. The Cotopaxi is host of many of the best rose farms in the entire world.
The Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador, are where Charles Darwin noticed the diversity of species and began to study evolution.
What makes Ecuadorian roses superior?

The Ecuadorian rose is known around the world as the best rose in the world (actually Ecuadorian farmers grow around 500 varieties). Roses from Ecuador are judged to be superior in bloom size, stem length, vase life, and color.

As we said above, the climate in the Andean highlands is ideal for growing roses, but producing the highest quality, premium roses in the world goes way beyond the cooperative climate. The combination of the mountain altitude putting the farms closer to the sun (3000 meters above sea level); well fertilized soil from volcanic activity; and optimum lighting conditions (nearly 12 hours of natural light per day all year) due to Ecuador’s location on the equator gives it a huge advantage in producing roses. Also, in Ecuador, while there are periods of rain and drought, sunlight is always consistent (the seasons don’t change) making it possible for farmers to cultivate and produce these incredible blooms all year long.

The altitude gives the farmers in Ecuador two major advantages:

(1) The sunlight is purer because it is more direct, not having to travel through as much atmosphere as in other parts of the world. This contributes to the blooms’ vibrant color and deeper tone on buds and foliage. By contrast, roses that come from Colombia, for example, where there is less sunlight, often have thin, lighter green stems, and small, tight buds.

(2) Higher altitude means cooler temperatures too, which makes for a more sterile environment. Insects, bacteria, and diseases of all sorts have a difficult time surviving in these cooler temperatures. So Ecuadorian roses are healthier. Additionally, cooler temperatures ensure that it takes longer for roses to bloom. This extended growth period results in Ecuadorian roses having larger blooms than those grown in warmer climates. The cooler temperatures keep the pests away and also fight off disease.

It just doesn’t make sense to settle for roses grown anywhere else.


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